GROWTH Winter School 2018
Dec 3-5 | IITB, Mumbai, India
All materials from the 2018 GROWTH astronomy school are now posted online.
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The GROWTH winter school is a three-day intense program with short lectures followed by interactive hands-on sessions that will introduce students to techniques and strategies for multiwavelength follow up observations of transient events such as gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, and gravitational wave events. Time-domain astronomy is experiencing an upsurge thanks to cutting edge current and upcoming transient survey facilities such as the Zwicky Transient Facility and The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. These surveys will deliver vast datasets of potentially interesting transient candidates. Selecting promising candidates and conducting effective follow up observations is key to making new discoveries. The GROWTH winter school will bring together experts from around the globe who will systematically walk students throught photometric and spectroscopic observations at different frequencies (from X-ray to radio). The hands on sessions will introduce various software packages and the students will perform data analysis on real datasets using Python. The winter school is designed for advanced undergraduate and early graduate students in physics and astronomy.
The GROWTH winter school is taking place between Dec 3 - 5, 2018 on the campus of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
Registration for the winter school is now closed. Applications will be reviewed by a GROWTH committee and successful applicants will be notified in early November.
The program for the winter school is posted here.
Hands-on Sessions
The software required during the hands-on sessions is available via a Docker image. Participants should have a working version of Docker installed on their laptop prior the beginning of the school. Go to to download Docker. Some sessions will also require the SAO ds9 software for data visualization that's available at
View the list of participants at the GROWTH Winter School
Travel & Logistics
The GROWTH winter school is taking place on the campus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB). Limited travel support may be offered to exceptional candidates to cover their travel expenses to IITB.
Contact Us
Please, send any questions you may have about the winter school to [at] gmail [dot] com.